About the Authority
The Bonnyville Regional Fire Authority was formed in 1996 as a “joint agency” to provide fire protection services to the M.D. of Bonnyville and the Town of Bonnyville. The current makeup of the Authority includes Fire Stations at Goodridge, Glendon, Iron River, Bonnyville, Lacorey, Fort Kent and Ardmore and a seasonal station at Crane Lake. In addition, the Cold Lake Fire Department provides services to the eastern edge of the M.D. under a contract with the BRFA.

In 2005, the Authority took over the provision of 911/dispatch services for the area from Wainwright and District Ambulance Society. In 2011 we expanded our 911/dispatch service to Smoky Lake County and St. Paul County. Our current staff level is 6 full time staff, 5 part time staff, 4 casual staff and approximately 160 volunteers.
The Bonnyville Regional Fire Authority is administered by a Board of Directors, which is comprised of an equal number of representatives from the two sponsoring Municipalities. The Mayor of Bonnyville and the Reeve of the M.D. of Bonnyville alternate as Chair and Vice-Chair. Our annual operating budget is $1.14 million, which is 55% funded by the two Municipalities.
Our Services.
We currently provide emergency response services to fire, rescue and dangerous goods incidents in the following areas: M.D. of Bonnyville, Town of Bonnyville, Summer Villages of Bonnyville Beach and Pelican Narrows, and the Village of Glendon. We have mutual Aid Agreements with Cold Lake First Nations, Kehewin Cree Nation, Elizabeth Métis Settlement, City of Cold Lake, County of St. Paul and Lac La Biche County.

About the Authority
Historical Background
The Bonnyville Regional Fire Authority was formed in 1996 as a joint agency to provide fire protection to the M.D. of Bonnyville and the Town of Bonnyville. At its formation, it consisted of 13 Fire Stations, 3 full time staff and approximately 260 volunteers. In 1998 the creation of Lakeland County from a portion of the M.D. removed 5 Fire Stations from the Authority.
The current makeup of the Authority includes Fire Stations at Goodridge, Glendon, Iron River, Bonnyville, LaCorey, Fort Kent and Ardmore and a seasonal station at Crane Lake. In addition, the Cold Lake Fire Department provides services to the eastern edge of the M.D. through agreement.
In 2005 the Authority took over the provision of 911 services for the area from Wainwright and District Ambulance. The 911 centre is located in Bonnyville. Our current staff level is 5 full time staff, 4 part time staff and approximately 180 volunteers.
B.R.F.A Now
The Bonnyville Regional Fire Authority is administered by a Board of Directors, which is made up of equal representatives from the two sponsoring Municipalities. The Board of Directors is comprised of the following members.
Ed Rondeau (Reeve, M.D. of Bonnyville No. 87)
Gene Sobolewski(Mayor, Town of Bonnyville)
Mike Krywiak (Councillor, M.D. of Bonnyville No. 87)
Rene Van Brabant (Councillor, Town of Bonnyville)
David Fox(Councillor, M.D. of Bonnyville No. 87)
John Irwin (Councillor, Town of Bonnyville)
Our annual operating budget is $4,567,179.00
We currently provide Fire Protection services in the following areas: M.D. of Bonnyville, Town of Bonnyville, Summer Villages of Bonnyville Beach and Pelican Narrows, and the Village of Glendon. We have Mutual Aid Agreements with Cold Lake First Nations, Elizabeth Metis Settlement, City of Cold Lake, County of St. Paul and Lakeland County.
In addition to the municipal fire service, the Authority provides industrial fire protection services under contract to Imperial Oil Resources and Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. and 911 call answer and dispatch services for Fire, EMS and Constables within the service area, County of St. Paul, County of Smoky Lake and Fishing Lake Metis Settlement.
Fire Ban/Advisory
Go to albertafirebans.ca for information
Contact Us
Bonnyville Regional Fire Authority
Box 6827
Bonnyville, AB, T9N 2H3
4407 – 50 Ave, Bonnyville
Phone: (780) 826-4755
Fax: (780) 826-1857
Calling 911
If you need urgent police, fire, or medical assistance, DIAL the numbers 9-1-1. DO NOT try to determine if you have an emergency; the 9-1-1 Centre will assist you.
We hope you never need to make an emergency 9-1-1 call but if you think you may have an emergency: CALL 9-1-1.
Bonnyville Regional Fire Authority | Box 6827 Bonnyville, AB, T9N 2H3 4407 - 50 Ave, Bonnyville | Phone: (780) 826-4755 | Fax: (780) 826-1857
Content Copyright © 2021, Bonnyville Regional Fire Authority | Designed by AB Web.